Vegeta will put his pride to the test as he challenges the strongest!
HI Dragon ball super fans Here are some new spoilers of dragon ball super episode 122so lets get start
Dragon Ball Super "Episode 122: Risking his Pride!" Vegeta's challenge to the strongest!! Vegeta goes after the strongest warrior, Jiren!"
Else where, Universe 11’s Dyspo tries to destabilize the Universe 7’s warriors. Disliking this strategy, Lord Frieza selects Dyspo as his next target! Frieza vs Dyspo, Vegeta vs Jiren, what will the outcome be of both battles? We’ll have to watch Dragon Ball Super in the new year on January 7, 2018!
And there is no episode coming in next weak Because Toi Animation officially Give the statement that thay stream next episode in 2018 & this is the first episode 2018
everybody stop fighting Aniraza! I will take him one-on-one," but thankfully it is actually Jiren. "Only Universe 7 and 11 remain in the 'Tournament of Power!"

So here is Question Aniraza will gone in episode 122?
so may be aniraza is going to Episode 122!
Aniraza is not tough that vegeta this another wants him.he looks like he is going to be in a really good fight in the next episode, it looks like Universe 3 will be erased after episode 122.
"This Weak Frieza is Dyspo's fighting with each other But i exactly did'nt know which episode is that coming may be it will happen in episode 123 Frieza says that he not interest to fight Dyspo
You know Toppo could step and wants to fight Frieza.. Dyspo of Universe 11 Tries to eliminates Universe 7 worriors
2. Then Frieza, who's not happy with that move, targets Dyspo!"
So, this could be that after Universe 7 knocks off Universe 3, Dyspo may see an 'opening' and he is going to come in, either knock somebody off,
Hopefully, Dyspo does not knock off Gohan or someone else. I don't think so. Then Gohan will challenge Dyspo.
Thats is Good new for me and you also guys..
So, Dyspo better be able to, at least, do some damage and hopefully it is still a decent fight between him and Frieza. Unless Toppo jumps in and takes over the fight. Seeing all of this, I do not think that Dyspo has what it takes to defeat Frieza, who has gotten even stronger than before now.
Ultimate Gohan
So now Gohan is fight with Toppo
This is the awesome fight! and i still waiting for this Finally Gohan gets the Real good Stronger as compared to another worriors
No Discussion About "Android' 18 eliminates in Episode 122. Which i think Android 18 is already Eliminated. and "Android 17 waiting to fight Toppo & Dyspo.
I'm not sure about this
Ultra Instinct Vegeta
The ultra instinct will probably come up in episode 123. Even if we get a Vegeta vs. Jiren fight, it will likely take up an entire episode. There is no way that Vegeta will be defeated in half of an episode, let alone the entire fight. I am thinking that Vegeta is going to get ultra instinct, one way or the other.
A lot of people think that Vegeta is going to get it in a later arc, which is also a 'possibility.' I think that they want to give Vegeta the ultra instinct, so that we could get "Ultra Instinct Vegito,"
Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta
The title for episode 123 suggests that somebody will "release their full power," and "go all out," and now I strongly believe that it is indeed Vegeta. Merchandise companies will probably give Vegeta ultra instinct so that they can sell their toys, because it is important to them. They want to make the money and I am 80% sure that Vegeta will become ultra instinct in episode 123.
HI Dragon ball super fans Here are some new spoilers of dragon ball super episode 122so lets get start
Dragon Ball Super "Episode 122: Risking his Pride!" Vegeta's challenge to the strongest!! Vegeta goes after the strongest warrior, Jiren!"
Else where, Universe 11’s Dyspo tries to destabilize the Universe 7’s warriors. Disliking this strategy, Lord Frieza selects Dyspo as his next target! Frieza vs Dyspo, Vegeta vs Jiren, what will the outcome be of both battles? We’ll have to watch Dragon Ball Super in the new year on January 7, 2018!
And there is no episode coming in next weak Because Toi Animation officially Give the statement that thay stream next episode in 2018 & this is the first episode 2018
everybody stop fighting Aniraza! I will take him one-on-one," but thankfully it is actually Jiren. "Only Universe 7 and 11 remain in the 'Tournament of Power!"

So here is Question Aniraza will gone in episode 122?
so may be aniraza is going to Episode 122!
Aniraza is not tough that vegeta this another wants him.he looks like he is going to be in a really good fight in the next episode, it looks like Universe 3 will be erased after episode 122.
"This Weak Frieza is Dyspo's fighting with each other But i exactly did'nt know which episode is that coming may be it will happen in episode 123 Frieza says that he not interest to fight Dyspo
You know Toppo could step and wants to fight Frieza.. Dyspo of Universe 11 Tries to eliminates Universe 7 worriors
2. Then Frieza, who's not happy with that move, targets Dyspo!"
So, this could be that after Universe 7 knocks off Universe 3, Dyspo may see an 'opening' and he is going to come in, either knock somebody off,
Hopefully, Dyspo does not knock off Gohan or someone else. I don't think so. Then Gohan will challenge Dyspo.
Thats is Good new for me and you also guys..
So, Dyspo better be able to, at least, do some damage and hopefully it is still a decent fight between him and Frieza. Unless Toppo jumps in and takes over the fight. Seeing all of this, I do not think that Dyspo has what it takes to defeat Frieza, who has gotten even stronger than before now.
Ultimate Gohan
So now Gohan is fight with Toppo
This is the awesome fight! and i still waiting for this Finally Gohan gets the Real good Stronger as compared to another worriors
No Discussion About "Android' 18 eliminates in Episode 122. Which i think Android 18 is already Eliminated. and "Android 17 waiting to fight Toppo & Dyspo.
I'm not sure about this
Ultra Instinct Vegeta
The ultra instinct will probably come up in episode 123. Even if we get a Vegeta vs. Jiren fight, it will likely take up an entire episode. There is no way that Vegeta will be defeated in half of an episode, let alone the entire fight. I am thinking that Vegeta is going to get ultra instinct, one way or the other.
A lot of people think that Vegeta is going to get it in a later arc, which is also a 'possibility.' I think that they want to give Vegeta the ultra instinct, so that we could get "Ultra Instinct Vegito,"
Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta
The title for episode 123 suggests that somebody will "release their full power," and "go all out," and now I strongly believe that it is indeed Vegeta. Merchandise companies will probably give Vegeta ultra instinct so that they can sell their toys, because it is important to them. They want to make the money and I am 80% sure that Vegeta will become ultra instinct in episode 123.