Howdy Everyone how are you, Today I'm talking about, One Piece Animation right now is whole island arc, and then the manga is completely done with it, the anime still has ways to go. Last week, we saw Bege and Luffy’s meeting ending with the formation of the alliance that is supposed to take down Big Mom and rescue the Vinsmokes along the way.

This week, we got further information about the event that is supposed to take place at Whole Cake Island in a matter of hours. With it decided the role in the wedding, Now this time it was left up to Luffy to do crucial role right now. Since there is still time until the wedding begins, Sanji made a dramatic return to his room and successfully fooled the Big Mom Pirates into believing that he was there all the time.

Moving on, this we saw in this episode how Big Mom prepares for the wedding ceremony, and the peoples is all around Totland seemed to be really happy about it. The Big Mom Pirates are keeping an eye out for troublemakers, and Mont d’Or specifically notes that something is wrong. the most important thing was that the one piece cleared up was Death of Bobbins. In the Manga Chapter, we did not completely know if Bobbin had died or not, but now we do know his fate. and He was riddled with his crew members with bullets. The major focus on sun pirates of the episode. and if you also notice the Aladdin and Jinbe's last conversation in this Episode. It seems to look the new sun Pirate is leaving to cake island, but I know they’re definitely planning something.

as we look forward on over Germa's side we now completely saw them Preparing for a wedding, and they’re all become set, except for Sanji, who still has to wait of course. while judging is unaware and what Big Mom Planning.Besides another hand, Big Mom is definitely unaware of what Bege is planning. It is truly a wedding of conspiracies. Unfortunately, the wedding does not start in this Episode. However, we just wait for next episode and see, as is confirmed by the title of the episode.

What’s even this the more exciting fact is that thank we all happy to see Charlotte Katakuri in his action at the reception of the Grand Wedding in the next episode of One Piece. The preview also teased in next episode the ability of Karakuri was going to reveal of One Piece. I'm sure that the next episode is definitely going to one of the better ones. But This week, we didn't get any to much action, and the pacing wasn’t great then either. However, that’s something we’re going to have to get used to now. Direction-wise, I feel happy to this episode and hope for the next episode to be directed in the same manner as it.

Hope you all guys Enjoy this, and I know you also can't wait for next episode because I'm also excited for this,


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What did you think of One Piece Episode 829?

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