Hello, my dear friend, today i want to talk you,One Piece officially began the Wedding ceremony for Vinsmoke Sanji, and Charlotte Pudding towards the end of Episode 829 last week. All the guests that Big Mom has invited over are now here, and making their way to Whole Cake Chateau.
The Vinsmokes, except for Sanji are all there and the Charlotte Family has already made the preparations for most of the Wedding to begin. One Piece Episode 830 is going to be one of the biggest episodes in this arc right now. The wedding will open in the next episode, with spoilers suggest that both Sanji Vinsmoke, and Pudding are going to be in the episode.
However, despite them being there, the focus of the wedding is going to be someone else entirely. The second son of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Katakuri is going to make his proper debut like he did in the manga in Sunday’s One Piece Episode 830.

His bounty is going will be revealed to be a staggering 1 Billion 57 Million Berris, which is the highest amount that anyone has amassed in the series so far. The preview for One Piece Episode 830 also teased the ability of Charlotte Katakuri. According to spoilers, we’ll get to see Charlotte Katakuri seeing the future in the next episode with his Observation Haki.
For anime-only watchers, this is spoiler territory, and please stop reading if you don’t want to be spoiled. Charlotte Katakuri has managed to train his Observation Haki to a level where he can see the future with it. This ability will be shown in the next One Piece episode, and Katakuri will kill one of the assassins who was sent to kill Big Mom at the Wedding.
Thankfully, the rock of the Big Mom Pirates stopped this from happening, and his future sight told him what was going to happen before it even happened. Katakuri also uses Jellybeans as one of his weapons to snipe targets that are at a distance, with great force. He is also a Devil Fruit user, who has eaten the Mochi Mochi no Mi, the powers of which will be extensively shown throughout the remainder of the Whole Cake Island arc.
You cannot download One Piece Episode 830 but you can watch it legally on FUNimation and AnimeLab for free.
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