Hello DBS fans how are you I’m come back with another Interesting post! In this post, I want to talk about Dragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 33 Spoilers. Before I begin, I want to frankly told you that in this post contains a lot of spoilers. If you’d rather avoid & bored them, then I suggest you stop reading here, and leave the post. However, if you don’t mind being Spoiled, then let’s begin.

Dragon Ball Super chapter 33 saw the beginning of the Tournament of Power. Every Universe Arriving in the World of Void. Whis explains the basic rules to every warrier & Gods of all Universes. We get to see every Universe arrive, and of Course, Universe 6 and Universe 11 stand out. Cabba, Kale, Caulifla, Frost, Hit and the others are seen again in Tournament of Power. Goku and Hit also share a friendly rivalry this episode, and Hit states that he’s gotten a lot stronger than before.

Jiren also arrives at the scene, and Goku goes over to talk to Jiren. It seems Jiren doesn’t consider Goku to be an equal, and he tells Goku to stop Bothering him, and get lost. Soon after, the Tournament of Power finally begins, and surprisingly it is a lot different in the manga than the anime. 17 kicks things off by eliminating a couple of members from Universe 9. In the anime, Basil Drew the first blood. We also see Goku, Vegeta, Freeza, and 18 jump into action right away.

Again a couple of changes are made here and there in the manga. 18 manages to eliminate a bunch of warriors as well. We also see Jimeze from Universe 2 get eliminated, which means things will take a very different curve with Universe 2 in the manga. Vegeta gets two eliminations as well, and Katopesla is one of them.

Again, if you may remember, Katopesla was one of the last remaining warriors in the Tournament of Power, and he was probably eliminated by Universe 4’s Damom or Gamisaras. I don’t remember t clearly. However, in the manga, he gets eliminated right away. Goku is also seen fighting in chapter 33 of Dragon Ball Super. He manages to blitz a couple of Universe 11 members with his Super Saiyan form.

Interestingly enough, Jiren doesn’t just stand and do nothing in the manga, like he did in the anime. Instead, he joins the fight right away. So that’s something we all can look forward to. That’s basically everything we got to see this month on Dragon Ball Super. Remember that Dragon Ball Super is a monthly manga, so it’ll be a month until we get the next chapter. I’ll see you guys with another chapter discussion post then.

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