Hello DBS fans how are you I’m come back with another interesting Post, Sorry for delay, this post is not about Dragon ball Super, this Post is related to the most interesting series Dragon Ball Z. Perfect Cell might not be the most popular villain right now (unless you’re watching the Abridged series, presented by Hetap), but he’s still a classy fella. We are all used to him appearing on Dragon Ball Z-related media, such as games and animations. His Cell Games was also one of the biggest Tournament that ever held in the whole DB franchise. But, never did I imagined our fella to be seen in a very unexpected object

Reddit user Tanay_98 shared a picture of his Biology textbook, which features a picture of Cell, not the microscopic one, but the DBZ one. The book titled as “Science for Ninth Class Part 1” by Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur. They actually made Perfect Cell a cover for Chapter 2 of the book, which about fundamental unit of life: the cell.

A digital version of the book is available in Google Books, which can be found here. The authors might’ve been fans of the series, thus, creating the pun in their own books. Comments from the thread are hilarious and show that some folks really studied well, during their Biology class at the same time. Who would’ve thought that the Mitochondrion, the powerhouse of the Cell, is Android 17 and Android 18?
Some comments commended the book as an innovative way to make the students’ interest in the subject to rise up. Inserting a popular character picture to make a pun is a great way to catch the focus of the students, especially if the topic is something boring. But there are comments asking how the fudge will the author pay if Toei sues.

But, questions like that should never even exist in the first place. Perfect Cell is perfection and perfection are priceless. Needless to say, Perfect Cell approves this book, and it might just as well be endorsed by Hetap.


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