Hello DBS fans how are you I’m come back with another Interesting article. Zen-Oh is hailed as the Strongest God ever being in the entire Universe. We have already seen how he  destroy whole  universes just because in the change of his in a slightly odd Mood. You won’t dare have an permission to mess with Zen-Oh sama  just because of his frightening and a king of whole universe reputation. However, is it totally true that Zen-Oh sama is one of the strongest being in the whole universes? A new theory states otherwise.

For this we have to go back to the back in time when Freeza said that he can easily beat and and reach the level above then  Zen-Oh sama. Normally, you did not dismiss it as Nonsense but there’s really actually some legit proof for this. Zen-Oh sama has been Protected by two lines of Defense & Grand Priest. First of all, we have the Grand Priest backside the zeno, who is considered to be one of the fifth strongest beings in the universe. Then, they  have the Bodyguards who are always Protect and close to Zen-Oh sama and then you have Zen-Oh sama Themselves! All of this makes you crazy and Wonder If he really the strongest in whole Universe then why he existence need two bodyguards?

If he is really strong then he shouldn’t need the protection. Zen-Oh isn’t strong. He isn’t strong at all. There’s no doubt that he is powerful, but he’s not strong. Allow me to explain in a better way. If you ever played any high graphics games or watch Anime then you know a Powerful Mage can still be Physically Weak, easily taken down by a well placed arrow. Just think of Saruman in the movies or the books, while he’s able to destroy a village with the flick of his wrist. The same holds true for Zen-Oh. Zen-Oh’s sama has an Ability to Exterminate entire Universes in one minute isn’t Ki-based.

Zen-Oh’s ability is magic based. This is why Zeno needs the guards and the Grand Priest. They are there to hold off attackers long enough for Zen-Oh to erase them. Every Kai and all of God of Destruction fears Zen-Oh sama, not because of his Ki Strength, but he also can be a magic that destroy everything.

I must say that it is an interesting theory and it is much better than any other theories that I have come across. This really makes it Possible all the more interesting, that we have an power to easily to kill Zeno-Oh Sama/
That’s it from me.

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