list of strongest yonlo in in pice

Howdy everyone, how are you, I want to talk about the Yonko. The Yonko are the 4 strongest pirates in the world of One Piece. They’re the emperors of the New World, and they rule the second half of the Grand Line like Kings. The Yonko are definitely the strongest force in the world of One Piece.

Their power is so great that in order to counter one Yonko crew, the World Government need the Marines, and the Shichibukai to team up, and match them in terms of strength. At the beginning of the series, the 4 Yonko were Shanks, Whitebeard, Big Mom, and Kaidou. However, after Marineford, things changed. Whitebeard died in the Paramount War, which opened up a spot for the Yonko position.

one piece new arc

As you all know, Blackbeard took the spot, and is now the 4th Emperor, with the other three being the same. Of course, right now, we cannot judge the power level of trust Yonko, but one Yonko is definitely going to be stronger than the other. We might never find out how strong they are when compared to each other, but apparently, Oda has already answered our questions. Before the time-skip, it is obvious that Whitebeard was the strongest Yonko.

Shanks openly admitted to him being the strongest person in the entire world of One Piece. However, now things are different. Whitebeard is dead, so he can’t be the strongest right now. According to Oda, the strongest Yonko right now is Kaido. That’s right. For those of you who don’t know, Kaido is the Captain of the Beasts Pirates. He is a Legendary pirate, who is also known as the strongest creature on Land, Air, and Sea. Some time ago, Oda brought up the strongest Yonko in an SBS, which pretty much confirmed his status as the strongest Yonko. Here’s what he said:

Q: I was strictly scolded by my mother. Is my mother stronger than Akainu?

Oda: Mother, in general, is the strongest creature in the world. She is stronger than Kaidou, but she loves you more than anyone.

So, yes, Oda thinks that Kaidou is the strongest creature in the world of One Piece. There is nobody who even comes close to having a title. Kaido will be the main antagonist of the Wano arc, and I hope to see all of his powers. He looks like an interesting character, and of course, it’ll be awesome to see how Luffy fights against this absolute monster.


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