Hello,DBS fans how are you as i promise you i upload Vegeta new form Photos,i know this article is delay and i'm sorry for this i know you understand. so here are some images of vegeta's new form Before going to star i just Frankly told you i'm not owned These images all Images from Respective Owned Company.so lets get start..

Well, Looking at the preview after the episode, Goku says that Vegeta is gaining a new FORM. Whether it be ssb2 or otherwise is up in the air. Personally, i hope its ssb2 or the equivalent of such a power up(doesn't have to be ssb). If it makes Vegeta on par with ssbkk without having to actually go ssbkk then I'm all for it. obviously, nothing compares to ultra instinct but as of right now, Goku only accesses it through really hard conditions. So, taking out ultra instinct(which is a technique) from the equation, ssbkk is the only form Goku has over Vegeta. If Vegeta gains that power then he will be equal or above Goku(ssbkk) as long as we leave ultra instinct out of the equation. In all, i really do hope they let my boy Vegeta eat. He gets so much hate and even if he only fights for a few minutes with his new power up, that to me is worth the whole tournament, because at the end of the day at least i can say my boy got his hits in.

So this is the first Picture of Vegeta new form.

 If you close look on hair of vegeta then you see the Normal SSGB form is Light colour  but now this time it show dark Blue colour with shining.it shows the new Transformation of vegeta.


Now look this second image you see 1 side Goku SSGB & other Side Vegeta SSGB.Vegeta Oora is Lokking much Bright and Dark Even goku.

The Tigger for this power is the Beating from jiren .For those of you who Don;t know, Vegeta fought against jiren in Dragon ball super episode 122 we Already knew that vegeta was going to beat by Jiren.

Let,s be honest,Whosoever was expecting vegeta to beat jiren without any power were a bit too optimistic. Even when Ultra Instinct Goku was unable to defeat jiren, vegeta never stood a chance.
However, vegeta did enough to land acouple of hits on jiren.However,  towards the end of the episode, it was speculated that vegeta will be getting a new Power-up. However, this powerful will not be the Ultra Instinct.

Vegeta himself said that he didn't want the Ultra instinct to Beat Jiren. He would defeat jiren in his own way The whole hint about the power-up was revealed towards the end of the episode, to be more precise, it was in the preview of the next episode.
Dragon ball super even added the new Super saiyan Blue form in the new ending for the series. According to japanese fans, the new super saiyan form will actually be a cross between Super Saiyan Blue and Ultra Instinct.

so the Question is that

1-How did Vegeta (probably 2x stronger than Goku SSB) match with Jiren, and even manage to punch and kick him in his gut? Goku couldn't land a single hit on Jiren in SSB Kioken 20x?

As I see it, Toei is gonna do one of two things.
1. Either Vegeta is already close enough to awaken Ultra Instinct. Which I seriously doubt! If Vegeta simply gets UI, and later on Frieza (that's also interested in that skill) also gets it. Then what Whis said amounts to nothing. After all Whis did said that UI was very hard to attain and even more so to master, even for the gods. But if Universe 7 fighters begin to gain it left and right, then that's proven as false as the universe destroying fist colliding feat.

2. Toei is gonna explore different paths for different character. And this point is the one I'm betting on. And I'll elaborate this point.
Gohan has Mystic. And from what we've seen so far, it's a form relates more to the power of the Kaioshin. Gohan obviously lost the ability to go SuperSaiyan with Mystic on top of it, or he would've done it by now. So as I see it Gohan will evolve in his own unique way.
Goku fairly recently obtained Ultra Instinct. And he hasn't yet fully awakened it yet. Much less gained any form of mastery over that skill. So for Goku, Toei has already set him on a new path, in terms of power.

2-What Ultra Instinct is gonna mean further on, might go two ways in my opinion:

1. Ultra Instinct will become Goku's new and permanent base skill. And UI will be later shown to be added to the other already known forms. So in essence Goku will get a Ultra Base, Ultra SuperSaiyan and Ultra SSG.

2. Ultra Instinct will mark the end of the old forms for Goku. Much like Mystic marked the end of the old forms for Gohan. And from now on, Ultra Instinct will grant Goku new forms that will be entirely different. Or instead of forms, Ultra Instinct will be able to be evolved into phases. Always called Ultra but with modes or levels of power based on how deep Goku will be able to draw power from. For example Ultra Instinct might change through what fans before UI called Limit Breakers.
And then we got Vegeta. Apparently Toei is setting up Vegeta to follow his own path of power growth. Instead of moving totally away from SSB, Vegeta path may be focused on taking SSB to new heights.

For example. If Caulifla is supposed to be Goku's equivalent of Universe 6. Then who is Vegeta equivalent?! For a time I thought it was Cabba, but now I believe it will be Kale.
As seen in episode 122. As Vegeta began to power up his SSB we saw something new. And while in the past we saw some blue sparks in the SSB aura, we now saw green electric sparks in Vegeta power up.
And in the preview of episode 123, Goku says that Vegeta is gonna awaken a new power. And maybe that new power instead of Ultra Instinct is gonna be something instead similar to that of Kale.
And it might make sense. When it was the Cyborgs and Cell arc, Vegeta by trying to surpass the normal SuperSaiyan power, he went chose that more buffed up, version, filled with muscles. But that version of SuperSaiyan proved to have two huge flaws. Stamina depletion and loss in speed.

They have even named the new form. They are referring to the form as Blue Migatte or Migatte Blue on the polular fan-site 5ch.
The fans in the rest of world have their own names for the transformation. the most popular of these names is Ultra Instinct Blue and as you can guess that the names is the combination of Ultra instinct and Super Saiyan Blue.

Royal Blue is being used as a name as well, however, The fans have opted to save it for the completed SSB form.
I must say that it was really nice on the part of the creators to give Vegeta a new power as he would have definitely struggled with the new monster which will be revealed in Dragon Ball Super.

Will Goku having unlocked Ultra Instinct, vegeta needed the powerup. The prayers of the fans have finally been answered by the Gods of the Dragon Ball Super and finally, Vegeta will be one of the strongest forces in Dragon Ball Series. That's it from me.

Hope you all guys enjoy the reading. if i miss anything about vegeta's new form then comment me & Please share this articles with your friends.Take care and i met you all Review of Tomorrow Episode.

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